Well, today is the day...I'm starting the 30 days of blogging and here is post number 1! I really should do this before late at night but who knows if that will ever happen!
An introduction...who am I? You know, I hate that question. I'm me. That's who I am. There are just too many facets to really be able to explain. I'm a wife to Jason, a mother to Alexander, Evan and Jonathan, a daughter, an aunt, a cousin, a sister, a friend, an acquaintance, a nerd, that strange lady at the Robert Munsch concert, an accountant by trade, a stay at home mom by choice...yet none of these fully describes who I am. In fact, all of these together still don't describe who I am. I guess the closest I can come is that I am a unique child of my Heavenly Father. Maybe the 15 interesting facts will help you to peer into who I might be!
First, the recent photo of me. Do you know how hard these are to find?!!??! I am behind the camera, basically unless I hand it to someone else and tell them to get some photos with me in them! Though, at that point, they tend to seem a bit forced! :) Plus, I got a bad haircut just before Christmas so a lot of my photos (without my hair done) are not what I really wanted to post. I do have a couple cute ones from Christmas Eve when we were opening gifts so here is one of me with my eldest son.
Now, I'm not so sure there are actually 15 interesting facts about me. I guess that will depend on your definition of interesting!! i'll try to make these as good as possible so that you won't get bored! Here they are (in no particular order):
1. I am the second oldest of six kids. I loved having so many siblings growing up. It was especially fun to watch people as we would pile out of the van. Fairly often, you could see people standing there and counting as we came out - especially when we would go on vacation and have an extra person or two along! It really did make us laugh! However, I have no desire to have six kids of my own!
2. I have taken the Wilton Cake Decorating course, Levels 1, 2 and 3. I enjoy making cakes but I mostly do them for my kids. I have made 3 wedding cakes in my time (and I was a photographer for one wedding but that was my sister!)
3. I love to travel. My favourite places to travel are: anywhere I've never been before and whatever place I just finished reading about! :) Currently, on my dream trip list are: Galapagas Islands, Egypt, Austria, New Zealand and the Antarctic.
4. I went to university on a full scholarship and I managed to maintain it for all four years! (That's how I came out debt free!)
5. I have taught Sunday School to 2 and/or 3 year old kids for 10 of the last 13 years (and I love them...they are so smart and have such great memories!)
6. I have a great memory! I have been asked if it was photographic. No - I don't think so, but I don't think it's far off!
7. I have a genetic, degenerative eye disease called Lattice Dystrophy. It affects the corneas. Obviously, I've had it all my life but it wasn't diagnosed until I was 18 years old. Trust me, some of the comments you get from eye doctors aren't particularly encouraging when you're 12 and they have no clue what's wrong!
8. I am horrible at finishing projects but I usually have a list of 5 or 6 on the go and about 20 or 30 more that I want to do!
9. I love school. Always have, always will. I miss high school (not the social part but the academics) because you got to learn a bit of everything. University it too specific! I'm excited that my boy is in kindergarten and I can't wait until I get to help him with homework (they'll probably never need my help and I'll be sorely disappointed!) So, maybe I actually just love learning.
10. I am generally an optimistic person. One of my favourite quotes is by a guy named Gilbert Keith Chesterton and goes like this "An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." This is especially true on vacation - just ask me about first days in foreign countries!
11. I wish a spoke a second language fluently. I know some French (more if I only have to read it) but I am NO WHERE near fluent in it.
12. I'm not a fan of movies. Don't know why and occasionally I really like to watch them but I guess I'm just really picky about which ones I watch so it seems like too much work. I hate having to say "That was a good movie, except...." I'd rather play a game.
13. I would rather do algebra than geometry.
14. I have a knack for picking out the most expensive item from a series, even when I don't know the prices. I call it an eye for quality - you can call it whatever you want!
15. I made it to the last one and am having trouble coming up with something. Hmmm... I love curling. I used to play but I don't anymore. I love to watch it, though. I look forward to February - April so that I can watch the Brier, the Scotties Tournament of Hearts and whichever world's is broadcast that year. The men's world championships are here this year and I have had tickets since September.
I made it through today's post and I hope you've learned a bit more about me!
Until next time...