My scrapping blog, that is...
I'm not sure how often I'll post (probably a couple times a month) but I plan on putting some of my layouts there again, so if you're interested in taking a peek, you can join me once again at:
Scrapping Life
However, my lamp will not rise again. I guess having "twins" at about 15 months old means that things will happen. I'm watching my sister's kids for a couple of days. They are 14 months and almost 3, so it's like I have a young set of twins. Now, I think my scoundrel was likely more to blame, as he has a history of lamp tipping, but they were both there and likely both involved. There's nothing I loved about that lamp, but it was only a couple months old so now I have to go back to the hated job of finding a new lamp (it's either really expensive or just not worth the cheap price...what a dilemma). Regardless, who can stay mad at those two little stinkers.
Until next time...