So, I'll start with the thankfulness up to this point, then move on to the photos!
Nov 1 - I am very thankful that I got to have tea after my meeting with two wonderful and supportive ladies who I get to work with at Xander's school!
Nov 2 - I am thankful that the snow is almost melted and it feels more like spring!
Nov 3 - I am thankful that I have running water and don't have to haul it to the house!
Nov 4 - I am thankful for the Mom's group at our church. We meet every Thursday morning and today we had a wonderful discussion on Beth Moore's wisdom for parents seminar.
Nov 5 - I am thankful that Jason is so involved with the kids. He's taken care of them almost every night this week and is taking them shopping right now for the stuff for soccer tomorrow (which he will also take Xander to).
Nov 6 - I am thankful that I have been able to participate in the Digital Scrapbooking Day festivities and have had a really good time with some online friends.
Nov 7 - Today I am thankful for the gorgeous weather outside! My walk home from church was more like spring than fall!
Nov 8 - I am thankful for three healthy children. I've seen how much work and stress it can be caring for children with major health needs and I feel very blessed in that way.
Nov 9 - I'm thankful that it is so easy (and cheap) to pick up the phone and be able to talk to my family.
Nov 10 - After an inch or two of snow last night and a couple more predicted for today, I'm thankful that Jason can take the bus to work and I don't have to leave the house.
Nov 11 - Today I'm thankful for Canada and for all those who fought for our freedom.
Nov 12 - Today I am thankful for the sunshine just after lunch so that I could send my two older boys out to play in the yard full of snow!
Nov 13 - Today I am thankful that I once again have a door on my bedroom. It's all painted and everything!
I'll try to update this every day or two for the rest of the month, anyway. Now, on to some photos.
First, here is Evan's 3rd birthday! He is really into guitars at the moment and loves music and singing so that was kind of the theme for his party. His cake was a guitar and we invited Pastor Bernard and family to the party because Evan adores the guitar-playing Pastor Bernard! He even played his guitar when we sang Happy Birthday. Evan got a great kick out of it!
It was a fun party and I think Evan loved it so that makes it a total success!!
Now (especially for you Jen) is Halloween.
I'm not really into Halloween but Jason wanted to make a Transformers Bumblebee costume for Xander so they ended up with costumes and going out trick-or-treating. Of course, then he had to make Evan something, too, so Evan got to be a Rubik's Cube.
There we go...hopefully I'll keep this a little more up to date than I did before. Maybe I'll post more often :D. Yeah, I'm funny!
Until next time...
Okay, I laughed OUT LOUD when I saw Evan!! That is one of the best costumes I have ever seen! And very clever that it can be worn over their winter jackets. And seriously...Xander's?! Wow, Jay. You really did outdo yourself. The face on the front and how it pops out...I hope you kept it so Evan can wear it next year...and then Jonathan soon after! Thanks for the pics! Loved them!